

11.00 – 13.00

Teaching Circular Economy – CicloSchools Project Workshop

Comparative Research Network e.V

Geeignet für:

Schüler*innen Mittelstufe, Schüler*innen Oberstufe, Azubis, Studierende, Erzieher*innen, Lehrpersonen, Dozierende, Interessierte Öffentlichkeit
Join us for a feedback workshop on teaching Circular Economy as part of the CicloSchools project. In this session, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about the project, explore our teaching modules on Education for Sustainability and Circular Economy, and gain access to valuable materials. We invite you to share your insights and help us improve the resources we’re developing.


Veranstaltung ohne Anmeldung
CRN Research Lounge, Müllerstr. 70B, 13349 Berlin

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